
Welcome to The Painted Squirrel!

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can do anything! - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bling Things...

There is so much going on this time of year!  I am painting my little hands off for the ornament orders coming in - how lucky is that?  In between though, I am still trying to clean out my studio.  I am still working on the fabric surplus, and continue to make tote bags and dolls, yet somehow, it doesn't seem like my cache of fabric has gone down at all and I can't seem to figure out why?  I've decided that it's the same principle that applies to laundry, no matter how many loads you do, the baskets always seem to remain full?!  It defies logic and reason, but there it is all the same!   :)

I've now moved along into my stash of beads.  I've been collecting new and vintage beads for years.  Never with the idea of making jewelry with them, more for crafts here and there and the occasional yard sale "oh look!  It's pretty so maybe I will find something to do with it!"  Well, it's time!  I spent my spare time this week teaching myself (with the help of Youtube) how to make beaded jewelry and here are my results!

These were some of my Grandmothers beads.  They were on one string and very heavy and clunky.  I tried to modernize them by doing them in more of a layered look. 

I am trying to improve my photography skills, however, I certainly still have a lot to learn.  I've put all of these on my Etsy shop, ( just to see what happens.  Now I'm off to a local craft fair where my wonderful friend, Paula, is showcasing her talent today!  Check out her etsy shop

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, stay safe!  I am so thankful to all of you for letting me show you my humble projects!  Have a wonderful day!

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