
Welcome to The Painted Squirrel!

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can do anything! - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

Sunday, June 9, 2013

C'mon Get Happy!

 Is there a point when you just get tired of playing it safe?  For me, this is the time.   The print that my husband and I bought has actually given me the courage to change up my colors and just go for it!  Aqua and red! Wow!  The challenge for me has been using these colors and keeping the style fairly traditional - I am finding that it's very easy to make it look too youthful (think teens bedroom) or too contemporary.  I'm sure I will tweak it along the way but I am nearing completion on my quest to lighten up and embrace our more fun, fanciful side!                             

The family room - Before. 

The art print at last!  So different from anything we've ever had, but we just love it.  It reminds us of our family - snow people who would love nothing more than to find that we've drifted into the tropics!  I still need to get a picture light to hang over it but we all smile every time we look at.

On to the eating area of the kitchen!

The barstools - Before

The Bakers Rack - Before, forgotten on the porch (don't you love the fake plant?)
After - spray painted white
The stripes on the barstools looks great with the pattern on the seat cushions!

Moving into the sunroom.  The walls in this room have been aqua for years now.  It didn't relate to much else in the house, but I loved it so much that I've kept it all this time.  Now it looks wonderful as a backdrop to the other rooms!

I spray painted the previously brown lamps white

My husbands family wine press.  I had a huge plant in there that I've just cut way back.  Now it looks a little sparse, but I know it will come back even more beautiful!

 This week will be very busy with the last days of school and my eldest son's graduation from high school.  I'm so happy for him and so sad for Bob and I!  We are so proud of him but will miss him like crazy when he goes to college in the fall.  Have a great week everyone!

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