
Welcome to The Painted Squirrel!

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can do anything! - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Way-ay-ting Is The Hardest Part...

Last week I mentioned that Bob and I bought an art print at a show.  It's still not back!!  No, they aren't running late - I'm just impatient and want to see it hanging on my wall!  No matter, I've been going great guns to get everything else done and updated.

Here are a few of the projects I've been working on.

First the bookshelves.  You can see that I'm taking the same bright aqua color on the back of the shelves that I used in my office and bringing it into the family room.  What a breath of fresh air!


Now the kitchen table chairs.  When I first bought them on Craigslist, the original fabric was an off white - you can't see in the photo but it was dirty and stained so it had to be changed.  I don't have a before photo of my kitchen table, but the base was a dark green stain.

First transformation to match my red/green decor

After!  Wow!  I used indoor/outdoor fabric so it will be more durable.  I love the bright colors against the white table base!

That's a new sisal rug on the floor.  Simple and easy to clean.

My sunroom table was a given to me by a neighbor who knows I like to get free furniture and paint it.  It's been in my sunroom waiting for me to decide what to do with it.

Before.  Great carvings and funky legs.

After - Cherry Red!  That is also a new white shag rug in the sunroom.
 Moving back into the family room, we had some World Market shelves that I use for the TV receiver.  The wood is a little dark now that I have an aqua rug in there (yes, aqua - what the heck am I thinking???).


After - I also put a canister light behind it so at night the red depression glass still glows in the up-light. (For those of you who love depression glass, you'll notice there are a few imposters in the lot - no matter, they look great together!)
Another World Market table - this one I also bought at a yard sale and the wood is also a little dark for my bright room.  The new print is going to go right above it on that wall.

Before - with a little sneak peak at the aqua rug!


 Well, that is all I can show of my projects this week.  There are still several pieces being painted and they'll be done soon.  Hopefully by next Sunday I can show you the happy rooms!

Now, here's a little project my sister worked on this week.  She just moved into a new apartment and needed something to use as a headboard.  She bought two sheets of a lightweight board at Home Depot, primed and painted them ($13 for both).  So creative and I can't wait to see them hanging above her bed! (I'll post photos when she emerges from the box jungle that is her place right now.  Moving is always tough.)  Have a wonderful week everyone!

Gorgeous Sandy!

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