
Welcome to The Painted Squirrel!

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can do anything! - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Go Cougars!

Last week I wanted to go to Dicks Sporting Goods for their giant clearance sale to pick up some items for my 15 year old son, Joe.  The exchange between us went something like this:
Me:  What size shorts are you wearing these days?
Joe:  What kind of shorts are you talking about?
Me:  Well, let's say running shorts?
Joe:  What kind of running shorts do you mean?
Me:  Um, what kind are there?
Joe:  There's meet shorts and then there are work out shorts.
Me:  What's the difference?
Joe:  (insert long explanation about the difference between the meet shorts and running shorts)
Me:  OK, what size are you in meet shorts?
Joe:  Medium.
Me:  What size are you in work out shorts?
Joe:  Medium.
Me:  What size are you in any shorts at all?
Joe:  Medium.
Joe:  Oh, I don't know.

This is living with teenagers;  frustrating and funny.  You never know where the conversation will lead when you thought you were asking a simple question and there are some days when I have to give myself a time out before I lose my mind and others I'm rolling on the floor laughing!  I'm so glad I've been gifted with a sense of humor, and so have my boys, because I'm not sure our family would survive these years without it!

Joe had a Indoor Track potluck at the school this week and parents were asked to bring either a salad or fruit.  I opted for fruit and thought I'd share my very simple fruit plate project with you this week.  I decided to carve the school logo in a melon to decorate the plate.  The kids loved it!

I just printed out the logo and taped it to the melon, then I used an exacto knife to cut the logo out, leaving the outline on the melon rind.

I carefully cut the rind around the logo, shallow enough to show the green.  Then I gouged a circle out around it, deep enough to show the orange flesh of the melon.  Very quick and easy!

Have a great week everyone and Go Cougars!!

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