
Welcome to The Painted Squirrel!

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can do anything! - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Princess Samantha

Today we celebrated Samantha's 3rd birthday!  Samantha is my three year old Great-niece!  I decided to make a Princess Samantha doll for her that would be about her size so she could sit with her and have tea if she wanted.  My son, Joey, and I also wanted to build a tent for Samantha and her cousin to play in while they were at my house.

First, the Princess Samantha doll...

I wanted to make her wear a ball gown similar to "Cinrella" as my G-niece calls her.

Her hair - I like to add ribbons and rick rack to the dolls yarn hair.

Hard to tell in the photo, but she's wearing white heels and long white gloves as every princess should!

I made the center of her eyes larger after I took these photos and her eyes look better now.

See her pretty tiara?

Her tulle bow in back.

Signed of course!

When Samantha came in, this is how Princess Samantha greeted her, with a present on her lap!

Now for the tent - here is the "before" empty corner of my family room.

My son making the "refrigerator" for the tent kitchen.

PVC pipes we already had, cut to size and I purchased a few of the corner pieces.

The addition of twinkle lights.

Joe made a stove for her using some plastic storage units and two old knobs for the on/off switches.

There wasn't time to paint the refrigerator white, but it worked just as well to hold the fake veggies I bought and the empty plastic containers saved from recycling.

The stove.  In the top drawer I put tupperware plates and plastic spoons so she could make us all a nice meal!

The entry to the tent complete with clip on butterflies and silver and gold garland.

Hopefully, my photography skills will get better over time.  The twinkle lights were hung behind the sheet hanging in the back as well as the set we weaved over the top.  I couldn't have done this without the help of Joe and we had a lot of fun putting together everything for the kids.  The party was beautiful with all of the decorations that Samantha's Mom and Dad brought - all pink and princess-y and beautiful!  Not having any girls, I just love being a part of Samantha's glittery world!  Have a wonderful week everyone!

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